Uncovering Instagram’s algorithm

Jun 21, 2024 | Social Media, Social Media

Knowing how Instagram’s algorithm works, can unlock major engagement, boost your reach and grow your fan base. However, understanding such an algorithm isn’t always easy. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got your back! Let’s uncover the secrets of Instagram’s algorithm together, so you can easily level up your content game. 🔓 

What’s the Instagram algorithm?

To start off, let’s clear up a big myth: 💡 the Instagram algorithm isn’t just one big entity. It’s more like a web of multiple algorithms, classifiers, and processes that work together. It makes sure you get to see the content you like in the order you like 

The goal of Instagram’s algorithm is to keep you engaged and active on the platform. The more time you spend scrolling, the more ads you see, and that translates into more revenue for Instagram. 🚀 

How does Instagram’s algorithm work?

Instagram’s algorithm is divided into four categories, each tailored to different parts of the app: Feed, Stories, Explore and Reels.  

Feed algorithm

In the Feed, Instagram makes sure you see posts from your friends first. 👫 They look at different aspects to decide what shows up: 

  • Post details: Likes, comments, when and where it was posted. 
  • About the poster: How often you chat with each other. 
  • The activity: Posts you’ve liked or commented on.
  • The history together: If you both like each other’s content. 

All this helps Instagram guess what you like, so your Feed stays interesting. 

Stories algorithm

Stories are all about sharing everyday moments and staying connected with the people and things you love. 🫶 The Stories you see come from the accounts you follow, along with a sprinkle of ads: 

  • Viewing history: How often you look at someone’s Story helps the algorithm choose which Stories to put first.  
  • Engagement history: If you’re always liking or replying to someone’s Stories, the algorithm makes sure you see more from them. 
  • Closeness: Instagram also considers how close you are to the person posting. For example, if you’re family or very good friends, Instagram boosts these people’s Stories on your Feed. 

It’s all about making sure you see the Stories that matter most to you. Need some tips to improve your Stories? Check out our blog.  

Explore algorithm

Now, let’s talk about the Explore page. It’s Instagram’s way of showing you content from people you don’t follow but might be interested in. 🔎 Here’s how it works: 

  • What’s liked: It looks at posts and accounts you’ve always been into. 
  • Information in posts: Hashtags, places and words in posts you view. 

By looking at these elements, Instagram makes a unique Explore page for you, filled with photos and videos you’ll probably like.  

Reels algorithm

Reels: they’re all about entertainment. 📱 The Reels algorithm is like the Explore page, but it really cares about: 

  • Interaction with poster: If you’ve previously interacted with the person who posted the Reel, it signals to the algorithm that you like their content. 
  • User activity: Reels you’ve liked, shared, saved or commented on recently. 
  • Reel information: The algorithm checks the audio track, video length and caption to figure out how interesting the Reel might be for you. 

If a Reel gets you hooked, it’s likely to reach more people and get noticed by everyone. 

Best practices for conquering the Instagram algorithm

Now that you know how the Instagram algorithm works, it’s time to use that knowledge to boost your Instagram game. 📈  

Here are eight easy tips to keep you in the algorithm’s good books: 

1. Optimize your hashtag strategy 

Use relevant and trending hashtags to make your posts easier to find. Hashtags are your ticket to being seen by more people. 👀 

2. Share high-quality content 

Post content that’s engaging and top-notch. When people like and comment, it tells the algorithm your photos and videos are worth showing off. ✨ 

3. Engage with comments 

Replying to comments is a great way to build a community and boost your post’s engagement. 💬 

4. Maintain a consistent posting schedule 

Posting regularly tells the algorithm you’re active and consistent, which helps to keep your reach growing. 💯  

 5. Capitalize on trends 

Get in on trending topics and challenges to make your posts more visible. Trendy content gets shared and discovered more easily. 🙌 

6. Use viral marketing tactics 

While there’s no magic recipe for going viral, using popular formats and telling a good story can enhance your chances. 📚 

7. Run engagement-driven contests 

Host contests that ask people to comment. That can really boost your engagement, making your posts more appealing to the algorithm. 🥇 

8. Identify optimal posting times 

Share your posts when your audience is most active to boost your visibility and engagement. ⏰ That way, you maximize its impact and potential audience reach. 

So, now you‘ve got the hang of how Instagram’s algorithm works and know the best practices. Keep these tips in the back of your mind when you’re making content, but don’t forget: the algorithm isn’t everything! Good posts thrive with regularity. Don’t just create content for the algorithm. Keep an eye on your results, tweak your strategy and watch your Instagram grow. Need some help? 👉 Contact us!